$155 Million for home and community care services

The PC Government Announced major investments today to expand home and community care across Ontario. The Government announced an additional $155 Million this year to increase the reach of critical home and community care services.

Christine Elliott, MPP for Newmarket-Aurora stated that “by making these significant investments and supporting partnerships between home and community care providers and busy hospitals, patients will experience quicker transitions between receiving hospital care and returning home with the appropriate support they need to properly recover, while also making sure hospital beds are available for those who need them.”

The new investment could allow for:

  • 8 million more hours of personal support services;
  • 490,000 more nursing visits and 100,000 more therapy visits;
  • Services in the community like homemaking, meals, transportation and caregiver supports and;
  • Additional direct community services for patients with acquired brain injury and people living in supportive housing.

Our PC Team is committed to ending Hallway Healthcare. Our Government is taking action to reduce wait times in hospitals and to reduce hospital visits for patients who could otherwise be served at home.