QUEEN’S PARK – Today during Question Period, Liberal Minister for Environment and Climate Change Glen Murray confirmed his plan to eliminate natural gas as a fuel in Ontario. Industry officials estimate that switching homes from natural gas to electric heat will cost each Ontario household $3,000 more each year. Approximately 62 per cent of Ontario homes use natural gas for heating.
“If given the chance, Minister Murray has confirmed he would cut off affordable natural gas to Ontario’s cities,” said Ontario PC Energy Critic John Yakabuski. “Instead, Ontarians in cities would have to rely on electric heat, switch out their gas stoves and get rid of their gas barbecues. Minister Murray seems intent on eliminating natural gas in the province and making life even harder under the Liberals.”
In response to a question from PC MPP Bob Bailey regarding the expansion of natural gas, Murray suggested “in Toronto, where I live, my building and others in my neighbourhood don’t need to be running on natural gas.” The Minister also stated that “home heating in the future is going to have to come from sources other than natural gas.”
“Nothing has been more damaging to household budgets and to our economy than the province’s electricity rates,” added MPP Yakabuski. “The elimination of affordable natural gas would devastate family budgets and destroy the province’s natural gas industry. This government seems intent on making life more unaffordable in Ontario.”
“Murray’s comments show just how out of touch he is with the priorities of Ontarians, and just how reckless his cap-and-tax scheme really is,” added Ontario PC Environment and Climate Change Critic Lisa Thompson. “The Premier and her Ministers must clarify whether they support Minister Murray’s misguided plan to make life even more unaffordable for Ontarians.”
VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/LrkS4r8tMJw