Statements on the nomination of Belinda Karahalios

Statement from Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford on the nomination of Belinda Karahalios:
“I congratulate Belinda Karahalios on her nomination as the Ontario PC candidate for Cambridge. Belinda makes an excellent addition to our strong Ontario PC team.
“Belinda has many years of experience in the private and not-for-profit sectors. As a lifelong community volunteer, she has experience getting the results people need.
“Belinda, and her family’s, commitment to the Ontario PC Party is second to none. I thank Belinda for her continued involvement in our Party. We are stronger for it.
“It’s time for a change in Ontario. For 15 years, the Wynne Liberals have made life harder for families. They have put their insider friends and political self-interests ahead of the hard-working people of Ontario. The Ontario PCs will respect the taxpayer, end the culture of waste at Queen’s Park, and stand up for the little guy.
 “I look forward to working with Belinda as we share our message of change with the people of Cambridge.”
Statement from Ontario PC Candidate Belinda Karahalios on her nomination in Cambridge:
“I’m honoured to have been chosen by the Ontario PC Party members of my home riding of Cambridge as their candidate for the upcoming election. The fantastic turnout of over 600 Cambridge PC members shows the excitement of our party’s grassroots to participate in “open, public, and democratic” nominations.
“I look forward to working with our Leader Doug Ford in order to defeat Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government and elect a majority PC government.”

Tyler Allsopp is Ready to Get it Done in Bay of Quinte

August 21, 2024 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BELLEVILLE – The Ontario PC Party is proud to announce Tyler Allsopp as the official candidate for the riding of Bay of Quinte. Tyler Allsopp, a longtime Belleville resident, is a dedicated husband, father of three, and small business owner. Since joining Belleville council in 2021, he has worked […]

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Ontario PCs Ready to Get it Done in Milton and Lambton—Kent—Middlesex

Ontario PCs the only party fighting the Liberal carbon tax and the only party that will build Highway 413 April 3, 2024 – With by-elections called in the ridings of Milton and Lambton—Kent—Middlesex, the Ontario PCs are the only party fighting the Liberal carbon tax to keep costs down for people and the only party […]

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