KENORA – Ontario PC Critic for Women’s Issues, MPP Laurie Scott had the opportunity to participate in a roundtable discussion hosted by the Kenora Coalition to End Human Trafficking.
This newly formed community organization is dedicated to raising awareness of the problem of human sex trafficking in Kenora and the surrounding area.
“I commend the Kenora Police and local organizations for bringing together a group of dedicated front-line service providers to develop strategies to fight human sex trafficking,” said Scott. “In particular, I appreciate the essential work the Kenora Coalition is doing to bring much-needed attention to this important issue – educating the public about how to spot the signs of possible human trafficking, and how best to help victims,” she added.
In my travels across the province, I have been approached by parents and grandparents who are genuinely worried about their young girls becoming victims. While human sex traffickers often target vulnerable communities, the frightening reality is that any girl or young woman can be a target. That is why I introduced Bill 158, and called it the Saving the Girl Next Door Act.
Human sex trafficking is a growing problem in our communities – from Windsor to Kenora. I urge the Wynne government to commit to concrete initiatives to protect our girls from this depraved form of exploitation.