QUEEN’S PARK – Today Ontario PC Women’s Critic Laurie Scott, MPP, was joined by advocates against sexual exploitation, Cynthia Bland and Simone Bell in united support for the proposed Saving the Girl Next Door Act.

The proposed bill will give the law immediate power to enforce protection orders on behalf of the victims against traffickers and to assess punitive measures if breached. The bill also provides a tort to allow victims to seek compensation and for Christopher’s Law to include trafficking as a sexual offence under the age of 18. As well, the bill promotes an awareness day to mark the continued need for discussion and action.
“Today, as someone who provides victim services and peer support to individuals harmed by this criminal activity, I fully support the proposed legislation for Ontario,” recommended Bell. “I was impacted at every level from my exploitation, but like many others, my plight was invisible to the many provincial systems and frontline workers that should have protected me,” she continued.
Ms. Bland confirmed her support by emphasizing, “We must do all we can to protect our children and youth; to provide law enforcement with tools required to bring traffickers to justice; and to help survivors rebuild their lives so they can thrive and live a full and hope-filled life.”
The second reading of the Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016 continues this afternoon in the Ontario Legislature.
“We know enough about the horrific stories from these women and the ones untold by silent victims and survivors to know the time for action is now. There are immediate, impactful steps in Ontario law that can be taken now, as outlined in this bill. It works in Manitoba – Ontario shouldn’t be this behind,” stated Scott.
Cynthia Bland is the CEO and founder of Voice Found. Simone Bell is a Speaker, Experiential Advisor and Peer Mentor for Voice Found.