AG Report confirms Ontario’s home and community care sector is failing patients

QUEEN’S PARK – This morning, the Auditor General of Ontario released her report on the financial operations and service delivery of the 14 Community Care Access Centre’s (CCAC’s) in Ontario.  The report stresses that the Liberal government must take urgent action to address the poor state of the home and community care sector in Ontario.

The audit confirms the findings of the Donner Report, Bringing Care Home, that the home and community care system is dysfunctional.  Of particular concern is that a significant proportion of CCAC funding goes towards administrative costs, instead of direct care for patients.

“Only 61% of CCAC funding goes to face-to-face care, with the rest going towards administration and bureaucracy,” said Jeff Yurek, PC Critic for Health.  “CCAC CEO salaries have skyrocketed by 27% between 2009 and 2013.  Meanwhile, patients are waiting for care they desperately need, with 47% of patients not being visited at home within 24 hours of being discharged from hospital.  Where is the accountability?”

Yurek added, “The Liberals have been in power for 12 years, yet there has been no evaluation of CCACs to determine whether they are providing cost-effective, timely, and quality care.  It is concerning that an audit has to be conducted to tell the government how to run a provincial funded agency.”

“Ontario has some of the best doctors, nurses and other frontline caregivers who work hard every day for their patients,” added Patrick Brown, Leader of the Official Opposition.  “Unfortunately as a result of the Liberal mismanagement, our home and community care sector is failing the province’s most vulnerable.  It is time the Wynne Liberals invest in the health of Ontarians, and make patient-centred care a priority.”

A copy of the report can be viewed at: