An NDP Government Would Devastate Ontario’s Economy and Cost Tens of Thousands of Jobs – We’ve Seen it Before

Ontario voters are looking for change after 15 years of Liberal governments gouging the taxpayer. Rightfully so, Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals have driven our province – once the economic engine of Canada – into have-not status. Job-killing Liberal policies cost our province more than 300,000 manufacturing jobs, and the Liberals have more than doubled our debt. 

When Ontario voters look to hit the reset button, they need to think about what kind of change they’re going to get. Compared to the Liberals, the NDP are going to be ten times worse. 

Let’s take a look at what Bob Rae and the NDP were able to accomplish in just 5 short years. 

Ontario lost 125,000 full-time jobs: 

October 1990: 4257.8
July 1995: 4133.1
4133.1 – 4257.8 = -124.7
Source: Statscan

Ontario’s unemployment rate increased by 28 per cent: 
October 1990: 7.2%
July 1995: 9.2%
=(9.2-7.2)/7.2 = 0.277
Source: Statscan

Ontario had the highest personal taxes in North America: 

“When Mr. Rae finished, Ontario had the highest marginal personal income tax rate(for incomes of $67,000 and higher) in North America.” (Globe and Mail, September 13, 2006)

“By the time he left office (after one term), unhappy middle-class Ontarians were paying the highest personal tax rates in North America.” (Edmonton Sun, October 29, 2006)

1.2 million Ontarians were on welfare: 

“Rae also finished third in Ontario because Ontario Liberals remember when he was the NDP premier of their province from 1990-95, racking up record deficits, more than doubling the provincial debt in five years, with 1.2 million on welfare and 100,000 jobs leaving the Canadian industrial heartland.” (Montreal Gazette, November 1, 2006)

“Under Rae, Ontario – which saw welfare rolls explode to the highest per capita in Canada – personal income taxes were hiked by seven percentage points, giving Ontario the highest marginal personal income tax rate in North America.” (Windsor Star, November 4, 2006)