Andrea Horwath’s radical NDP team out of step with Ontarians

NDP candidate: “If there were a war on Christmas, I’d think about signing up.”
Every single day, we are learning more about the radical NDP team that Andrea Horwath hopes forms the next government. Their ranks include career anti-mining activists, 9/11 conspiracy theorists, and self-described Marxists.

Most recently, NDP Mississauga Centre candidate Laura Kaminker has come under fire for comments she made about the poppy, writing “When our masters give the signal, everyone can take off the fake poppy — made with prison labour — and create a bit more landfill. And another annual ritual of war glorification comes to a close.”

Not only are these comments offensive to the veterans and military families across the province who gave so much to fight for the freedom and rights we all hold dear, but they are also completely out of step with the public.

The original article exposing the radicalism of Laura Kaminker has been shared over 26,000 times on Facebook with politicians and citizens from across the country weighing in, but Laura Kaminker doesn’t look like she’s backing down. Late last night, she was thanking NDP supporters on Twitter who were coming to defence of her comments.

These aren’t the only bizarre positions Kaminker holds. She has written extensively about her hatred of Christmas, saying “If there were a war on Christmas, I’d think about signing up.”

It’s becoming clear, that this is the real Andrea Horwath and the NDP. They don’t share the values of everyday Ontario families.

Andrea Horwath needs to take responsibility for her anti-poppy NDP candidate and answer for her comments. 

Blog post:

how do i hate christmas, let me count the ways
By Laura Kaminker, December 25, 2010

I hate seeing consumer capitalism on overdrive.

I hate that a Christian holiday is a national holiday in nation where Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Sikhs, atheists, Shintos and pagans – and whoever else – are supposed to be equally welcome.

I hate being told that Christmas is no longer a Christian holiday, that it’s now a secular holiday. I don’t know if that’s wishful thinking or amnesia or maybe guilt, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s bullshit.

I hate the assumption I need to substitute some other holiday or tradition for this holiday that I don’t celebrate. I know people mean well, but asking me what I celebrate instead of Christmas makes as much sense as asking my Christian neighbours what they do instead of Rosh Ha’shana.

I hate being asked “Did you have a nice Christmas?”. And when I answer, “I don’t celebrate Christmas, but I had a nice winter break, thanks,” I hate being told, “I don’t mean the holiday, I just meant the whole winter holiday season.” If you meant how was my winter break, why didn’t you say so?

I hate hearing about other people’s Christmas shopping.

I hate being asked if I’ve finished my Christmas shopping.

I hate hearing Christmas muzak.

I hate people remembering food banks and other charities once a year.

During the last US presidential election, many of my Canadian friends were sick of hearing about the campaign for so long, disgusted by the volume and the omnipresence. That’s how I feel about Christmas. It wouldn’t be so bad if you could just tone it down. Just go have your holiday. Stop expecting everyone else to care.

I know there’s no war on Christmas, only the rantings of aggrieved entitlement, people so accustomed to wielding all the power and holding all the cards that the slightest murmur of the minority viewpoint causes them to claim endangered species status. If there were a war on Christmas, I’d think about signing up.

To everyone who is celebrating today, have a happy day. Could you be a little quieter next year?