QUEEN’S PARK – Today, the Auditor General released a scathing report highlighting the devastating effects of 12 years of Liberal waste and mismanagement. The report details how Ontarians are bearing the brunt of the Liberal Government’s inability to manage the health care system.
Ontario PC Health Critic Jeff Yurek noted, “we have seen a complete lack of oversight, planning and accountability which is having a negative impact on our health care system.”
The report details that since 2007, when Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) were created, the Ministry of Health has not clearly determined what would constitute a fully integrated health care system, timelines for implementation on how that vision would be achieved, or how performance would be measured. “How can the Ministry critique the LHINs’ performance without clear definitions and goals?” questioned Yurek.
The Auditor General also reported that the Liberal Government must take urgent action to address the poor state of the home and community health care sector. Since 2009, the Ministry of Health increased spending on home care services by 42%, up to $2.52 billion, while the number of clients served only increased by 22%.
“Vulnerable patients continue to languish on wait lists because the government has never ensured value for money and the highest quality of care. This is simply unacceptable,” added Yurek.
“The government has not corrected the problems highlighted in the 2010 audit,” noted Yurek. “I am concerned they are not competent enough to fix the system. In general, this report highlights the inability of the Liberal Government to manage the province’s finances and essential public services.”
“Ontario has some of the best doctors, nurses and frontline caregivers who work hard every day for their patients. The Wynne Liberals must take an approach that puts patients – not waste or a lack of accountability – at the centre of decision-making,” concluded Yurek.
A copy of the report can be viewed at: http://www.auditor.on.ca/en/reports_2015_en.htm