Another broken promise from the Wynne Liberals
Today, the Financial Service Commission of Ontario (FSCO) released their auto insurance figures showing that rates have increased 2.2 per cent.
In 2013, Kathleen Wynne promised to lower auto insurance rates 15 per cent. This is another Liberal broken promise as 5 years later rates only have gone down by 3.2 per cent.
“Kathleen Wynne cannot be trusted – she will promise anything to get re-elected.” said Ontario PC Finance Critic Vic Fedeli.
This revelation comes after it was discovered the Liberal’s budget bill did not contain any of the major promises they announced on budget day.
“This Liberal government thinks the people of Ontario will believe anything they tell them. They make massive campaign promises and immediately back track after the votes are counted.” added Fedeli.
Ontario has the highest auto insurance premiums in Canada.