Brown: For once will the government put the people of Ontario ahead of the Liberal Party?

QUEEN’S PARK – Following the Liberal Government’s Throne Speech where they offered nothing but band-aid solutions to Ontario’s hydro crisis, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown used today’s Question Period to again ask the Liberal Government why they continue to sign costly energy contracts. 


“For the last two days, I have said that if the Liberals actually wanted to get hydro rates under control they should stop signing these ludicrous contracts,” said Brown. “Ontario has a surplus of energy – stop signing contracts for more. This government is just going to sell it at a loss.”

Wind and solar companies, many who have received exorbitant government contracts, have donated $1.3-million to the Ontario Liberal Party.

“So the Liberals keep filling their coffers and then in return offer the people of Ontario a band-aid solution for their hydro bills. For once will the government put the people of Ontario ahead of the Liberal Party?” Brown continued. “The Premier said I don’t have a plan, well here it is: Step 1: Stop signing surplus energy contracts. Step 2: Stop the sale of hydro one. Will the Liberals use my plan or will they force another family to decide between putting food on the table and paying their hydro bill?”