Whitby-Oshawa MPP Lorne Coe, Ontario PC Associate Critic for Education, said today that the EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) results confirmed that the Wynne Liberal Government is failing students in providing them with needed math skills.
MPP Coe continued, “It is absolutely unacceptable that the Liberal government has allowed the trend of declining math scores to continue.”
The EQAO results confirm that there has been a 5% decrease in the number of grade 3 students, and a 7% decrease in the number of grade 6 students who met the provincial standard in math when compared to 2013. Only 50% of Grade 6 students met the provincial standard in math for the second straight year.
MPP Coe added, “We’ve seen little indication that the Liberal government is taking these results seriously. We know that proficiency in math is crucial to ensuring that students are prepared for future success.”
“The Ontario PCs will work hard to ensure that students across the province receive a high-quality education,” said MPP Coe.