Doug Ford Will Call in an Outside Audit of Kathleen Wynne’s Reckless Spending

Doug Ford today shared more details about his plan For the People by announcing that he will call in an outside audit of Kathleen Wynne’s reckless spending on his first day of office.

“We’re going to restore responsibility, accountability, and trust in government,” said Ford. “For me, nothing is more important than straight talk and keeping your word.”

Ford made his commitment while visiting Brockville, and meeting with locals.

“I want you to have the whole truth about what’s going on,” said Ford, “because Kathleen Wynne is not telling you the whole story.”

Since coming into office, the Liberals have been routinely found in violation of ethical standards that culminated in the recent conviction and jailing of former Liberal Chief of Staff David Livingston. Ontario’s Auditor General has routinely cited the Liberals for abusing taxpayer dollars in a reckless and inappropriate manner.

“If Kathleen Wynne tried to pull these kinds of shady tricks in private life, then there would be a few more Liberals joining David Livingstone in jail,” said Ford.  “Ontario deserves answers about how big Kathleen Wynne’s mess really is.”

An Outside Audit would probe the entirety of Kathleen Wynne’s fiscal mess and ‘follow the money’ to see how your tax dollars are really being spent. Ford also committed to making the results of the outside audit available to the public in its entirety.

“It’s time to find out who is getting rich off your tax dollars and how big Kathleen Wynne’s deficit really is,” said Ford.

In his remarks Ford also committed to providing more resources to support Ontario’s Auditor General. Kathleen Wynne recently changed election laws to prohibit the Auditor General from blocking the Liberals from spending taxpayer money on partisan ads, and has spent more than $185,000 of taxpayer dollars on partisan campaign events in the last few weeks alone.

“The people of Ontario have been lied to and taken advantage of for far too long,” concluded Ford. “We’re the only ones who will respect the people. We’re the only ones who will always be for the people.”