Doug Ford Will Deliver Real Relief For The People of Rural Ontario

Will increase Risk Management Program for farmers and expand natural gas, broadband and cellular service in rural communities
Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford today shared more details of his plan for the people and, in particular, his plan to provide real relief to farmers and families in rural Ontario.
“Our Ontario PC Plan is a plan for the people, and when I say ‘the people’ I mean all of the people,” said Ford. “This includes our farmers, and rural families who have been left behind by the Liberals and who will be ignored by the Toronto special interests who run the NDP.”
Ford announced that an Ontario PC Government will increase the Risk Management Program (RMP) cap by $50 million annually to help farmers and other producers better manage risks outside of their control.
“We’re going to take real action to help farmers,” said Ford. “This means more stability, income security and peace of mind for farmers all of which is long overdue.”
Ford also announced that an Ontario PC Government will enable private sector participation in the expansion of natural gas across Ontario. The provincial government would then, in turn, use savings of up to $100 million to partner with providers in order to deliver cellular and broadband expansion across rural and Northern Ontario.
“This will means better, more reliable connections, better opportunities to create and grow a business and better options to find a good job,” said Ford. “Ultimately it means letting people in rural Ontario build their careers and raise their families right here at home.”
“We are running a campaign for all of the people,” Ford concluded. “It doesn’t matter if you live in a big city or a small town or who you voted for in the past. The days of you being ignored will soon be over. Change is coming and help is on the way.”