Doug Ford Will Reduce Hydro Rates and Put More Money in Your Pocket

Honest and responsible plan will save average family 12% on their hydro bills

The average Ontario family will save 12% on their hydro bills thanks to the Ontario PC’s honest and responsible hydro plan, Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford announced today.

“Right now, seniors, small businesses, and families are paying for hidden expenses on their hydro bills that have nothing to do with keeping the lights on,” said Ford, “we’re going to fix that. Our plan will put more money in your pocket and deliver real relief to the people who need it most.”

Ford revealed how an Ontario PC Government will remove several buried expenses from Ontario hydro bills, while ensuring that Ontario families are the principle beneficiaries of improved efficiencies in the hydro system. In particular, Ford committed to:


  • Return all Hydro one dividends to hydro customers — saving the average family $70 on their hydro bills.
  • Stop the practice of burying the cost of conservation programs on hydro bills and instead move those programs to the tax base — saving the average family $43 on their hydro bills.
  • Place an immediate moratorium on any new energy contracts while walking back and re-negotiating existing contracts where possible — saving the average family $60 on their hydro bills. 


“Together, these three measures will save an average family $173 per year on their hydro bills,” said Ford. “That’s 12% savings — on the average family’s hydro bill.”
Ford contrasted his modest and responsible approach to Kathleen Wynne’s growing hydro scandal. This week, Ontario’s Auditor General exposed that Kathleen Wynne has been hiding billions of dollars of hydro deficits off of the government’s books.
“Today we all know we are paying billions more for Kathleen Wynne’s desperate attempt to cling to power,” said Ford. “The good news is there is also a right way to bring your hydro rates down and put more money in your pocket. One that doesn’t involve accounting tricks and instead simply involves putting people first.”