Today Patrick Brown, Ontario PC Leader, discussed his plan to clean up government and put hardworking families first with the first-ever Trust, Integrity, and Accountability Act with students from the University of Western Ontario.
“Kathleen Wynne has betrayed the trust of Ontarians. While Liberal insiders get rich, Ontario families work harder, pay more, and get less,” said Brown. “We need to restore trust in government.”
“Under Kathleen Wynne, Liberal political corruption has flourished. They will say anything, do anything, and promise anything to get re-elected,” said Brown. “After 14 years in power, they’ll never change.”
Measures include establishing clear performance targets for ministers, closing lobbying and fundraising loopholes, restoring Auditor General oversight over government advertising, and banning public agencies from expensing the cost of attending speeches by Ontario ministers.
“The choice is clear: for 14 years Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals have put the interests of the Ontario Liberal Party and their insider friends ahead of your own,” concluded Brown. “The Ontario PCs will stop wasting your money, and close the door on scandal and political corruption. That’s real change that works for you: the people, not the insiders.”
The first-ever Trust, Integrity and Accountability Act is one of five key measures included in the Ontario PCs plan to get Ontario back on track, called the People’s Guarantee. Additional measures include:
- 22.5% lower income taxes for the middle class
- 75% refund for child care expenses
- 12% more off your hydro bill
- The largest mental health commitment in Canadian provincial history