Expanding Accessibility to the Main Street Relief Grant

Helping small businesses access PPE as province returns to Framework

Our PC government is committed to helping main street businesses stay safe, keep people employed, and continue contributing to our communities.

That’s why we are increasing the number of small businesses that can apply for the Main Street Relief Grant to help with the costs of purchasing personal protective equipment (PPE) as more of them begin to cautiously and gradually reopen in parts of Ontario.

Small businesses with 2 to 19 employees in all eligible sectors – expanded from 2-9 employees – and those in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector can now apply for up to $1,000 in financial support. Now that the province is moving to a strengthened COVID-19 Response Framework, this expansion will help up to 60,000 small businesses around the province prepare for a cautious and safe reopening with funding that helps cover the costs of PPE.

This one-time grant reimburses main street businesses for personal protective equipment (PPE) costs incurred since March 17, 2020. Eligible small businesses can now have 2 to 19 employees and be part of the following sectors:

  • retail trade;
  • accommodation and food services;
  • repair and maintenance;
  • personal and laundry services;
  • gyms and yoga studios; and
  • arts, entertainment, and recreation.

Providing these businesses with a grant to help cover the cost of PPE – whether to install plexiglass or purchase a supply of gloves and masks – is helping to stabilize their cash flow, protect workers, and keep people from the community employed. Ontario remains committed to helping small businesses of all sizes and from all sectors to recover and rebuild.