Statement from Ontario PC Finance Critic Lisa MacLeod
“Whether it’s skyrocketing hydro rates, exorbitant taxes and fees, or a politically-motivated, overnight hike to the minimum wage, Ontario is no longer open for business under the Wynne Liberals. Job creators are finding it harder to make ends meet and get ahead.
“Ontario was once Canada’s job-creating, economic engine. But under the Wynne Liberals, regions of our province are being left behind. Southwestern, Eastern, and Northern Ontario only saw 1,600 net new jobs combined. This is a government that has ignored important regions of our province to serve their own political self-interests.
“Wages in Ontario continue to stagnate. While Liberal insiders are getting rich, middle class families haven’t had a real raise since the 2000s. Not only that, but under the Liberals’ watch the wage gap has not improved since 2011 and continues to be pervasive across industries. This is not anyone’s definition of ‘fairness.’
“Life is harder under the Wynne Liberals. Ontario families are working harder, paying more, and getting less. It’s time for a change in Ontario.”