Financial Accountability Officer proves long-term benefits of nuclear power in Ontario

This morning the Financial Accountability Officer released a report about the economics of nuclear power, and concluded that nuclear refurbishment “is projected to provide ratepayers with a long-term supply of relatively low-cost, low emissions electricity.”

Ontario PC Energy Critic Todd Smith said, “The Ontario PCs support the future of nuclear power in Ontario. Nuclear energy is one of the most affordable, reliable and emission-free sources of electricity and needs to play a long-term role in Ontario’s future electricity planning.”

“Unfortunately, following the leak of secret energy negotiations with Quebec for power we don’t need, the Wynne Liberals could be putting good-paying nuclear jobs in Ontario at risk.”

The Society of Energy Professionals said that the draft agreement with Quebec “threatens the early closure of Pickering Nuclear Generating Station and the loss of 4,500 jobs in the Durham area.”

Bill Walker, the Chair of the Ontario PC Nuclear Caucus added, “The FAO confirms that ratepayers will benefit from the continued operation of nuclear plants, like Bruce Power, Darlington, and Pickering.”

“Continued investments in nuclear power will help keep rates down and help Ontario families pay less and get ahead.”