Gas Plants 2.0: Wynne Liberals must reimburse ratepayers for $80 million in inappropriate expenses at gas plant companies

Wynne Liberals let wealthy insider executives expense raccoon traps and scuba gear on Ontario hydro bills

QUEEN’S PARK – In the wake of a scathing Auditor General’s report, this morning, the Ontario PCs called on the Wynne Liberals to reimburse Ontario ratepayers for nearly $80 million in inappropriate expenses reflected on Ontarians’ hydro bills.

“What were these companies using ratepayer’s money for? Wealthy executives and Liberal insiders were expensing raccoon traps and scuba gear,” said Ontario PC Treasury Board critic Lisa MacLeod during Question Period.

The Auditor General revealed that nine companies billed ratepayers for $260 million in ineligible costs, of which only $168 million has been recovered. Under the Liberals, the average Ontario family has seen their hydro bills more than triple. In 2015 alone, 567,000 Ontario electricity customers were in arrears because they couldn’t afford their hydro bills.

“Ratepayers are still on the hook for almost $80 million this is unacceptable. The money must be returned,” added MacLeod.

In addition to the raccoon traps and scuba gear, the Auditor General also revealed the insider executives expensed thousands of dollars annually for staff car washes, carpet cleaning, and landscaping. In particular, over a two year period, one generator claimed $175,000 for coveralls and parkas.

“While seniors saw their power disconnected in the dead of winter, wealthy executives are expensing thousands of dollars worth of luxuries,” said Ontario PC Energy critic Todd Smith. “Only this Liberal government would let wealthy executives expense raccoon traps while ratepayers are afraid to open their hydro bills.”

“Every cent should be paid back by December 31st. Will the Liberals guarantee every cent is paid back by the end of this year?”