Glenn Thibeault caught spreading misinformation about the PC platform in the press

This morning, Sudbury MPP and Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault came under fire during Question Period for misleading statements to the media about the recently released Ontario PC platform, the People’s Guarantee.
When asked about Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown’s weekend announcement in Sudbury that an Ontario PC government would reverse the Wynne Liberals fuel tax increase, Thibeault inaccurately told a reporter there’s nothing within the People’s Guarantee “on NEO Kids.” This couldn’t be further from the truth. On page 67 of the People’s Guarantee there is a detailed plan about how the Ontario PCs will invest millions towards projects like the NEO Kids health hub in Sudbury. NEO Kids is mentioned twice by name in the document.

“The People’s Guarantee offers a detailed vision for health care in Northern Ontario,” said Ontario PC MPP Vic Fedeli. “I would have expected a cabinet minister to have done his homework before trying to score cheap political points.”
During Question Period, Fedeli delivered a copy of the People’s Guarantee to Thibeault with page 67 flagged for easy access.
Not only is NEO Kids mentioned within the People’s Guarantee, Ontario PC Sudbury candidate Troy Crowder has authored a column, participated in charity events, and launched an online petition in support of the project.
In an op-ed, Crowder said “supporting NEO Kids would be a huge first step towards receiving the services and infrastructure we so desperately need,” and “as the MPP for Sudbury, I will work tirelessly with NEO Kids to ensure as many children as possible can stay in Northeastern Ontario to get the care they need.”
“Everyone agrees that NEO Kids should be a priority,” added Fedeli. “Instead of using inaccurate information to attack his opponents, Minister Thibeault should sit down with his colleagues in cabinet and actually deliver NEO Kids for Sudbury and Northern Ontario.”