Enhanced Agri-food Workplace Protection Program will help more farmers and agri-food operators enhance health and safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19
One of our PC government’s top priorities is to guard against the spread of COVID-19 in agri-food workplaces so that worker health and safety is protected, and Ontario’s food supply chain remains strong.
That’s why we’re investing $10 million to the new Enhanced Agri-food Workplace Protection Program (EAWPP) to allow more farmers and agri-food operators to purchase personal protective equipment, enhance cleaning and disinfection and redesign workstations to better protect workers. The re-designed program will help more farmers and agri-food operators enhance health and safety measures to prevent the spread of the virus in their operations.
Based on experience gained over the first year as well as farmers’ feedback, changes have been made to the program to expand the list of eligible applicants, which now includes corn detasselers, transporters, hatcheries, and primary processors (e.g., cutting, cleaning, packaging, storage and refrigeration of raw plant foods to prevent food from spoiling before it reaches consumers).
Support is also available for farmers who experience unexpected costs for short-term or temporary housing and transportation as a result of a COVID-19 outbreak among on-farm employees.
Program intake will open on April 22, 2021 and will accept applications while funding is available or until November 30, 2021. The approval process has been simplified and will be expedited to help support workplace health and safety in the agri-food sector.
Eligible businesses who submitted applications after March 12, 2021 at 11:59, can re-apply to the new program starting April 22, 2021.