QUEEN’S PARK – Today during Question Period, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown asked Premier Wynne why her Liberal Government is proceeding with the fire sale of Hydro One to pay for the billions wasted on scandal, waste, and economic incompetence.
“The Wynne Liberals’ 2014 budget made a spending commitment of $130 billion for infrastructure, yet made no mention of the Hydro One fire sale,” said Leader Patrick Brown. “The 2015 budget made the same spending commitment of $130 billion, but included the proceeds from the Hydro One fire sale. Why does the Premier now need to sell Hydro One to make this investment, when the government already had the $130 billion dollars costed out in 2014 without having to sell Hydro One at all?”
The Liberal Government claims that $4 billion from the Hydro One fire sale is needed to pay for the government’s infrastructure investments.
“Why does the Premier now need to sell Hydro One to make this investment when there is no difference in spending commitment?” added Leader Patrick Brown. “The Liberal budget is nothing more than a shell game. They are using the money from the Hydro One fire sale to pay for the billions wasted on scandal after scandal.”
Leader Patrick Brown concluded, “Will the Premier finally come clean and admit that the only reason she needs to sell Hydro One is to pay for the gas plants, eHealth, Ornge and smart meters, and her government’s incompetence?”