If Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals are hiding the books from the Auditor General, what more are they hiding from the taxpayers of Ontario?

The Auditor General has shone more light on the Wynne Liberals’ “dishonest” accounting practices, saying Kathleen Wynne’s deficit would be at least $1.3 billion higher than they will suggest in Wednesday’s Budget.

The Liberals have already broken their promise to run a balanced budget this year; Charles Sousa said that the deficit will be as much as $8 billion. 

“The Auditor General’s condemnation of this government is further proof that Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals can’t be trusted when it comes to Ontario’s finances,” said Interim Opposition Leader, Vic Fedeli.

“Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals have proven time and time again they are willing to say, do, or promise anything in a desperate attempt to cling to power. That includes playing shell games with tax dollars to hide billions of dollars more of borrowed money, from the province’s books,” said Fedeli.

“The Liberals have tried to block the Auditor General every step of the way because they don’t want her to tell the taxpayers of Ontario what is really going on.  On the eve of the election, Kathleen Wynne is afraid of being found out,” continued Fedeli. “The people of Ontario deserve the truth and accountability from their government. The time for cover-ups is over.”