Investing in Job Seekers

Providing free online health and safety training for the first time to help people get essential qualifications

As part of our recovery from COVID-19, our PC government today announced $3 million of support for critical health and safety training that job seekers across the province need. This investment will provide free online training, ensuring job seekers get their qualifications and get back to work.

Up to 100,000 job seekers may now take free online health and safety training through Employment Ontario. This is the first time this type of online safety training has been made available at no cost.

These virtual courses cover infection control, health and safety investigation, and workplace violence and harassment prevention.

Our PC government was also pleased to announce that worker and employer members of Joint Health and Safety Committees may now use video conferencing to take paid training with instructors. These sessions will help trainees learn how to protect their work sites and keep themselves and other workers safe.

Many training providers have shut down or significantly reduced the number of classes they offer due to COVID-19. We are extending the validity period for certifications that would have expired by August 31. Trainees now have until November 30 to renew their certification.