Your PC Government is committed to delivering better and more efficient services and making life more affordable for residents and businesses in small and rural municipalities.
That’s why we are investing up to $8.1 million through the Municipal Modernization Program to support projects that will help municipalities find savings and better ways to deliver important municipal services like roads, waste management and fire services.
The funding will be used to conduct service delivery reviews. Projects range from broad reviews that will look at several municipal services, to more targeted opportunities for savings. For example, the Municipality of Brockton will leverage the funding to examine its municipal facilities, including energy and water use and space requirements, to identify ways to better meet community needs while saving money.
Through the Municipal Modernization Program, up to $125 million will be made available through 2022-23 to help small and rural municipalities lower costs and improve services. Our PC Government is already providing up to:
- $3.9 million to help 42 municipalities streamline their local housing and commercial development approvals processes; and,
- $2.6 million for 27 joint projects that will help approximately 130 small and rural municipalities improve services for residents and businesses and lower costs in the longer term.
We will continue to work with municipal partners across the province to create a more competitive business climate and deliver smarter government services.