Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals campaigning on the taxpayer dime

This morning, Frank Klees accused the Wynne Liberals of campaigning on the taxpayer dime a couple of months before the election.

Referencing the gas plants scandal which last week resulted in a senior Liberal operative being sentenced to four months in prison, Klees said the Liberals will do and spend whatever it takes to win re-election.

“The gas plants scandal was a dark moment in our province’s history, like something I had never seen during my 20 years in politics. It showed that no amount of taxpayer money is off limits to this politically corrupt government in their bid to cling to power.”

Over the last two weeks, Kathleen Wynne and the Ontario Liberals have held no less than 25 taxpayer funded announcements. The typical announcement costs $7,500, which means the Liberals have spent $187,500 in taxpayer money campaigning.

Klees announced that the Ontario PCs have written a letter to Elections Ontario to investigate this partisan abuse of tax dollars.

“Kathleen Wynne and the politically corrupt Liberals are untrustworthy. They will do, say, or promise anything to cling to power,” said Klees. “It’s time for a change. With Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs, the party with the taxpayer’s money is over.”