Providing support for those struggling with electricity bills during COVID-19
Our PC government is committed to providing support for residential, farm and small business electricity consumers as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times.
To that end, today we announced new initiatives that will provide additional stability and greater customer choice, while helping those struggling to pay their energy bills as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
These initiatives include:
- Extending the suspension of time-of-use (TOU) electricity rates through a fixed “COVID-19 Recovery Rate” of 12.8 cents per kilowatt hour, effective June 1 – October 31, 2020. This will provide continued stability for TOU customers.
- Offering electricity customers the choice between TOU and tiered rate pricing, starting on November 1, 2020. This will allow Ontarians to choose an electricity price plan that best suits their household and lifestyle.
- Providing an additional $9 million through the COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program. This program will provide struggling families with a one-time payment to help clear overdue electricity bill debt incurred over the COVID-19 outbreak period.
- Investing $8 million in the COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program for Small Business. This will support those struggling to pay their electricity bills as they begin to return to full service and operations.
- Extending the Ontario Energy Board’s winter disconnection ban until July 31, 2020. This will ensure no one is disconnected from their natural gas or electricity service.
“While we make progress to contain this deadly virus, we know people will need to stay home when possible and businesses will need ongoing support as we gradually and safely reopen the economy,” said Doug Ford, MPP for Etobicoke North and Premier of Ontario. “Providing additional rate relief, flexibility and customer choice will help ensure everyone can recover from this extraordinary crisis and get back to a life that is as normal as possible.”
The COVID-19 Recovery Rate will be in place until October 31, 2020 and will apply to TOU customer bills 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We will continue to subsidize electricity bills by 31.8 per cent through the Ontario Electricity Rebate.
Our PC government will continue to provide stability and certainty for Ontario’s electricity consumers as we restart the economy and support individuals and families who continue to spend more time at home.