Leader Patrick Brown on Fundraising: Does the Premier Think it is Appropriate?

QUEEN’S PARK – Following allegations about the apparent influence of political fundraising on the business of government, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown asked three simple questions of the Premier during Question Period about her government’s fundraising approach:

“Does the Premier believe that it’s appropriate for ministers to fundraise from stakeholders with active files from within their respective ministries, yes or no? Is that conduct appropriate?

Does the Premier acknowledge that setting fundraising targets for cabinet ministers forces them to fundraise from stakeholders with active files within their respective ministries?

Has a stakeholder with active files before any ministry been asked or made to feel obligated by the Premier, a minister, a member of her staff or a member of the Ontario Liberal Party to raise funds for the Ontario Liberal Party in order to obtain a meeting, an approval or a policy change? Yes or no?”

Premier Kathleen Wynne refused to acknowledge the root of the question, instead highlighting future changes to fundraising rules her government intends to introduce. While the Ontario PC Caucus welcomes these changes and looks forward to participating in the discussion with all involved parties, this issue is about the conduct of the Liberal Government’s cabinet ministers and the appearance that they were selling government access.


VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmeycwqfnjQ