Liberal Energy Policy Hurting Local Agri-Food Producers

(Manotick)- Nepean-Carleton MPP Lisa MacLeod was in Manotick today at SUNTECH Greenhouses with owner Bob Mitchell to highlight the challenges the Ontario Liberal Government’s energy policy have placed on local agri-food producers.  SUNTECH is best known for greenhouse tomatoes which are regularly referred to as the “little miracles from Manotick.” 


“Between the Liberals’ Green Energy Act and their Cap and Trade scheme, Ontario is now taxing food production and making it unaffordable for our agri-food producers to grow food and for consumers to purchase Ontario produce,” said MacLeod who has been representing parts of rural Ottawa for 11 years.

Bob Mitchell agreed, “Compare my product to the exact same product selling on shelves from Mexico.  You will see my tomatoes and cucumbers are at least 30% more expensive thanks to the Liberals’ energy policy that make it tougher for me to compete.”

MacLeod and Mitchell called on the Ontario Liberals to stop taxing food production and to consider the proposals laid out by the Ontario Greenhouse Alliance which would allow agri-food producers a transition period toward a low carbon economy; look to British Columbia and Alberta where agri-food producers are eligible for relief through a rebate program; and adopt a border carbon pricing mechanism.

“Eleven years ago I promised Bob and others I would stand up for their family farms and still today, under this Liberal administration, it remains necessary,” said MacLeod who concluded, “the Liberals won’t be happy until the last bit of production leaves rural Ontario and we are importing food from outside our borders.”