Liberal Government’s Cuts to Autism Therapy Hurt Young Families Across Ontario

QUEEN’S PARK – On May 1st, the Liberal Government’s cuts to autism therapy came into full-effect in the province of Ontario. Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown used today’s Question Period to highlight how the proposed changes affected a young family. 


“I want to tell you about seven year old Warren and his family from Bailieboro. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. His parents immediately registered Warren for IBI therapy. About one month ago, Warren’s parents were notified he was seventh on the waiting list for IBI treatment,” said Brown. “Warren’s IBI treatment was imminent. Then this government pulled the rug out from underneath this family’s feet.”

The Liberal Government has terminated IBI treatment for those five and above. By the Ministry of Children and Youth Services’ own numbers, approximately 85 per cent of children who receive IBI therapy are over the age cut-off.

The fact remains that children over five still have special needs the province must address, and the waitlist for a less-intensive form of therapy, ABA (applied behavioural analysis), is approximately 14,000 children.

Children over the age of five still have special needs the province must address, and the waitlist for a less-intensive form of therapy, ABA (applied behavioural analysis), is approximately 14,000 children.

“This government’s ‘enhanced ABA’ treatment they tout is nothing more than political spin. Regional service providers don’t even know what it means,” added Brown. “There is no enhanced treatment for Warren. He’s been kicked off the waitlist and given a cheque that will barely cover a few months of treatment. Warren and his family deserve better from this government.”  

“Why have the Liberals turned their back on the parents, grandparents and guardians of autistic children?”