Liberal Presto cost overruns nearing a half billion

Kitchener – Today Ontario PC Transportation Critic MPP Michael Harris slammed the news that the government now expects to pour a total of $444 million into the TTC Presto fare card rollout and software – up from the original $255 million budget. Previously confirmed cost overruns of $220 million on overall development and implementation means taxpayers are footing a Presto bill that has ballooned by close to a half billion dollars.

“Only in Wynne Liberal Ontario do taxpayers pay more – close to half a billion more – for less!” Harris indicated. “Today’s reports, only one day after we learn government will be hiking GO and UPX fares, are clear evidence that the people of Ontario are paying for this government’s poor planning and oversight.”

The nearly half billion in new costs are only the latest in a long list of concerns that have haunted the Liberal’s chosen Presto technology since it was first launched. The costs also follow news earlier this year that up to 12 per cent of the Presto machines on TTC cars weren’t even working.

“Now we’re paying close to a half billion more for technology that in many cases isn’t even working…and yet the Liberals continue on as if this is business as usual,” noted Harris. “The Minister’s contention that this massive financial disaster is in some way an ‘operational success’ just further proves how out of touch the Wynne Liberals have become.”

“It’s the same story with UPX subsidy numbers that came out yesterday indicating taxpayers are footing the bill for UP riders at $11 per ride to prop up the airport transit service,” Harris added. “Only in Wynne Liberal fantasy land do you see ministers patting themselves on the back after the revealing of $30 million in subsidies for a service they’ve completely botched from the beginning.”