QUEEN’S PARK – The Wynne Liberals’ plans to apply the HST to their new cap-and-trade slush fund is yet another low blow struck against the finances of Ontario families, says PC Critic for Environment and Cap-and-Trade Lisa Thompson.
“The Premier has been treating Ontarians like her personal ATM for far too long. In yet another shameful attempt to pick the pockets of Ontarians, Premier Wynne now wants to tax her own tax,” said Thompson. “Ontarians are already struggling under the increased costs of hydro. Making matters worse, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation announced yesterday that the province’s debt clock officially reached $300 billion. Adding to these burdens with more taxes will do nothing but convince people Ontario is not the place for them.”
According to CTV Toronto, the Liberals were reluctant to disclose the fact that they were going to be taxing their new tax, and have even back-tracked on disclosing whether or not the cap-and-trade cash grab will appear on home heating bills as a separate line item.
This atmosphere of secrecy has also been slammed repeatedly by the Financial Accountability Officer (FAO), who today released his Annual Report for 2015-16. The report found that an inability to access documents from the Liberals is making it, “…more costly, difficult and time-consuming for the FAO to perform his duties.”
“The Liberals’ cap-and-trade cash grab has been flawed from the beginning, and I have repeatedly called on them to shelve the project and work with the Ontario PC Party to establish a revenue neutral plan for our environment that will put money back in the hands of Ontarians. They have instead continued with this misguided plan, only to reveal that they aren’t content with raiding the piggy bank just once,” said Thompson. “No more secrets. It’s time the Liberals tell us just how much they really intend to take.”