Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals will do, say, or promise anything to cling to power. But, their record shows they can’t be trusted to keep their word.
Here are a few of their biggest broken budget promises:
- Balanced budgets until 2019-2020 (2017 Budget): The Liberals have been promising balanced budgets for years, but at the drop of a hat, Charles Sousa announced plans to run a deficit of “less than 1 per cent of GDP,” or as much as $8 billion.
- Reducing Auto Insurance Rates by 15 Per Cent on Average (2013 Budget): Kathleen Wynne later said this was nothing but a “stretch goal,” designed to get the NDP support for the budget.
- $1 Billion for the Ring of Fire (2014 Budget, 2015 Budget, 2016 Budget): The Wynne Liberals continued to re-announce $1 billion in funding for the Ring of Fire, but have failed to take any action on this once in a generation economic opportunity. The Liberals’ most recent Throne Speech and Budget made no mention of this important project.
- The Hydro One Fire Sale (2015 Budget): The Liberals made no mention of their plans to sell off Hydro One during the election campaign, but as soon as they won they flip-flopped their support for public ownership.
Everything that’s promised in tomorrow’s budget will end up in an already long list of broken promises.