Today during Question Period, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown asked Premier Wynne why her government continues to punish patients by slashing physician service fees.
The Liberal Government has cut $580 million from physician services as a punishment for not agreeing to the government’s deal. In addition, as of October 1, 2015, the Ministry will impose an additional estimated $235 million in cuts to physician services payments.
“What the government doesn’t seem to understand is that they aren’t just punishing doctors, the government is punishing patients,” stated Leader Patrick Brown. “The people that are hurt the most are the stroke patients, the young families, the elderly and all those that need Ontario’s help and care.
The $580 million cut to health care is threatening access to the quality and patient-centred care throughout the province. The cuts will lead to the closure of many walk-in clinics, resulting in patients who typically use walk-in clinics to misuse urgent emergency room services at significant cost to the health care system.
“With 800,000 Ontarians already without a doctor and 140,000 new patients in Ontario every year, these cuts will make it even harder for people to get the care they need in this province,” added Leader Patrick Brown. “The damage these cuts are having is being felt in communities large and small across Ontario. Will the Premier get her priorities straight, and restore the funding she slashed from the health care budget and restore timely access to frontline care?”