Ontario Chamber of Commerce urges Murray to hold off on emissions trading until 2018
QUEEN’S PARK – The Liberals have rejected an urgent request made by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce to halt the government’s plans to roll out a cap-and-tax scheme next year, says Lisa Thompson, MPP for Huron-Bruce and Ontario PC Environment Critic.
In a letter sent yesterday to Environment Minister Glen Murray, the Chamber called on the Liberal government to delay the start date of its cap-and-tax scheme until 2018. The business group also urged the government to disclose how much emissions trading will really cost Ontario businesses and families. Murray rejected the Chamber’s request for delay yesterday in question period.
“The Liberals are in such a hurry to take more money out of the pockets of Ontario businesses and hardworking taxpayers that they haven’t even considered the economic impact of their reckless cap-and-tax scheme,” Thompson said. “Despite serious concerns about job loss and putting Ontario industry at a competitive disadvantage, the Liberals have made it clear that they are moving full steam ahead with emissions trading next year.”
The letter by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce follows nearly a yearlong effort by the business group to get the government to release its economic analysis of this tax scheme. But Murray is still refusing to disclose any details to help companies plan for this added cost of doing business in Ontario.
“The Minister routinely admits that the Liberals’ reckless cap-and-tax scheme will kill jobs and cost Ontarians ‘a lot of money.’ Yet he won’t say how much,” Thompson said. “The truth is this scheme is a tax on everything and will increase the cost of gas, groceries, electricity and home-heating. The government owes it to the people of this province to finally come clean and reveal how much this scheme will cost families and businesses.”
- Despite having no credible economic analysis whatsoever from the Liberal government, certain businesses have released their own analysis.
- Private-sector estimates show that under the Liberals’ cap-and-tax scheme, households will pay about $160 more a year on gas and home-heating in 2017, and nearly $900 more a year in 2030.
- Small businesses will be hit hard with about $170,000 more in energy costs in 2017, and more than $900,000 in 2030. That means job loss.
- These estimates do not include the cost impact on household products and groceries.