Strengthening protections for tenants and landlords
Our PC government is committed to making life more affordable and creating the right conditions that meet the diverse housing needs of all Ontarians.
To that end, today we announced proposed changes to Ontario’s rental rules that would make renting easier and fairer for tenants and landlords alike. The proposed changes – which build on our More Homes, More Choice: Ontario’s Housing Supply Action Plan – would strengthen protections for tenants, make it easier to be a landlord, and help both landlords and tenants resolve disputes.
“We’ve heard the concerns from tenants who’ve been forced to leave their homes due to renovations. That’s why we are taking action to increase fines, raise tenant compensation and tighten the rules to encourage everyone to follow the law,” said Steve Clark, MPP for Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes, and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
We inherited a confusing and broken housing development system that’s impossible for people and home builders to navigate. Our PC government will continue to cut red tape and reduce regulation that makes it is easier to build homes – including, different types of homes – so that the people of Ontario can find something that suits their needs and their budgets.