QUEENS PARK – This morning, Ontario PC GTA Affairs Critic, Gila Martow (MPP for Thornhill) questioned the Minister of Health & Long Term Care on the government’s decision to cut residency spots and physician fees despite growing demand from an aging population.
“Ontario’s publicly funded health care system is under immense strain,” stated Martow.
Since February, the provincial government has cut medical service funding by almost 7%. Martow asked the Minister to “please explain how cutting residency spots and slashing physician fees will provide the top notch health care that Ontario residents need and deserve?” She added, “these cuts will not only hurt patients today but also impact future care as doctors retire or leave the province to work in other jurisdictions.”
There are almost 250 communities in Ontario that the government has designated as “high physician needs” and over 800,000 people in Ontario do not have access to a family doctor.
“Can the Minister please explain how his government expects to provide healthcare for more residents, more seniors, and more treatments with such inadequate increases to the healthcare budget?” questioned Martow.
“Ontarians needs a government that is committed to making the health of patients a top priority” stated Martow.
For Video: https://youtu.be/DnwI2h2xW6Q