QUEENS PARK – This morning, Ontario PC GTA Affairs critic Gila Martow (MPP for Thornhill) questioned the Premier on the property-tax reassessments of several Ontario properties, speaking to what the Globe and Mail described as a “bizarre maneuver.”
“It is certainly bizarre that this government is fighting its own property tax assessment system! Whether it is Queens Park, Osgoode Hall, or even Ontario Place, this government seems to be saying their own system is wrong all across the city. How does this government explain fighting its own system and, if MPAC is so egregiously wrong in their judgement, how does the Premier then expect every other property owner in the City to accept their own tax assessments?”
The government recently tried to appeal the assessments of 19 different provincially-owned properties dating as far back as 1998. If the province is successful, the City of Toronto could be required to repay millions of dollars in taxes.
Martow pointed out that the Liberal government’s move to appeal these property-tax assessments is simply a way to squeeze millions of dollars out of the City of Toronto.
“Ontario taxpayers deserve an organized government where the right hand knows what the left hand is doing. This government is known for its money-wasting scandals and incompetence. Now they are so desperate to pay for their scandals, they are even trying to justify taking millions of dollars from the City for payments made upto seventeen years ago! Is the Premier trying to balance her budget at the expense of the City of Toronto by claiming mismanagement of the tax-assessment system?”
VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/dLyuBk4kqFs