Meet your NDP cabinet

Radical and unfit to govern
This entire campaign, the NDP have been under fire for a series of radical candidates. When Andrea Horwath was pressed about which of her radical candidates would round out her cabinet, she said “They’ll all be considered.”
The only clarification Andrea Horwath has ever made is that Joel Harden, her radical candidate in Ottawa Centre who opposes our separate school system, will not be her Minister of Education.
If everyone is truly under consideration, there is a chance Horwath’s cabinet could look something like this:

Andrea Horwath, Premier – Horwath has suggested she’d consider a coalition with Kathleen Wynne.

Kathleen Wynne, Deputy Premier – Wynne suggested she’d consider supporting an NDP minority government.

Joel Harden, Minister of Environment – During his nomination campaign, Joel Harden said he was “committed to working to” a $150/tonne carbon tax – which would be the highest carbon tax in the entire world. This would mean an increase of 35 cents/litre increase on gas prices at the pumps.

Laura Kaminker, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration – Kaminker refuses to wear a poppy, calling them “landfill” and “war glorification,” and has attacked professional sports teams who honour our war heroes at games. While she does not want to honour the troops who have fought for the freedom we all hold dear, she does want to wage a war on Christmas.

Jessica Bell, Minister of Finance – Bell is a life-long professional protester who has admitted to being arrested twice for civil disobedience. She co-wrote a handbook on organizing radical protests which endorsed strategies like “occupation,” “seizure of assets,” and “property destruction.”

Chandra Pasma, Minister of Labour – Pasma wrote a blog post where she said jobs are not the answer, saying “We need to reconceptualize work and find ways of detaching income security from paid employment,” and “How do we escape the clutches of labourism, with its limited ideas of work and its dehumanizing emphasis on paid labour.”

Ramsey Hart, Minister of Northern Development and Mines – A career anti-mining activist, Hart has bragged about the fact mining companies don’t like him, and has questioned development of the Ring of Fire. Hart supports hiking the mining tax, which is a round-about way of shutting down mining in Ontario forever.

Jan Johnstone, Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sport – Another anti-poppy activist, Johnstone said “throw the red poppy into bleach and let it sit as the colour bleeds out.”

Gurratan Singh, Attorney General – Singh attended an anti-police demonstration, and held a sign that said “F*** the Police.”

Tasleem Riaz, Minister Responsible for Anti-Racism – Riaz shared an “inspirational quote” from Adolf Hitler on her Facebook page, and called our brave men and women in uniform war criminals.

Dwayne Morgan, Minister of International Trade – Morgan is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist who has suggested President Bush and our largest trading partner were involved in the terrorist attack that killed 3,000 people.

Jill Andrew, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services – Andrew used a racial slur when referring to the Chief of Toronto Police.