QUEEN’S PARK – NDP and Liberal MPPs today again refused to support Northern Ontario and forestry jobs by choosing special interests over Northern interests, Ontario PC MPPs Norm Miller and Vic Fedeli said today.
The NDP failed to stand up for the North by refusing to back Ontario PC amendments requested by the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM), at Committee hearings on Bill 52, also known as anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) legislation.
“These amendments would have protected the Northern forestry sector, for example, from unfair and untrue attacks, namely from special interests, that cause economic harm,” said Miller.
FONOM had asked that the legislation be amended to allow any legal action resulting from public participation to be reviewed by a judicial officer or other provincially appointed expert, prior to being filed, and targeting the bill specifically to apply to volunteers and small community organizations with annual budgets of less than $100,000.
“Time and time again, the Liberals and NDP say one thing in Northern Ontario, then do another when their MPPs get down here to Queen’s Park,” Fedeli said.
Miller, Fedeli, Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown and five other PC MPPs voted against the bill on Second Reading and stood up for Northern Ontario. Brown has repeatedly shown his support the North, having made 14 visits to the region in the last year.