NDP promise to shut down Pickering Nuclear Station, killing 4,500 jobs in Durham Region

NDP would send jobs and buy power from Quebec
An NDP government’s first order of business would be to shut down the Pickering Nuclear Station and kill 4,500 good-paying jobs in Durham Region. In a damning response to a questionnaire from the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, the NDP revealed a secret plan to close the Pickering Nuclear Station by August, 2018.
The Ontario Clean Air Alliance asked whether or not the NDP believes that the Pickering Nuclear Station should be shut down when its licence expires this August, and the NDP checked yes. The NDP also went on to add that they will consider “alternatives such as conservation and clean imports from Quebec.”  
According to Ontario Power Generation, the Pickering Nuclear Station employs 4,500 people in the Durham Region with good-paying jobs. Under the NDP’s secret plan these are jobs that would be shipped to Quebec.
The Ontario PC Party would keep the Pickering Nuclear Station open until the end of its operating life.
It’s becoming clearer every single day that there are two different NDPs. One that claims to stand up for Ontario workers, and one that caters to downtown radical special interests groups. Andrea Horwath’s actions each and every day show which side she stands with.