NDP Will Increase Gas & Hydro Bills, Ontario PCs will Reduce Them

Doug Ford shares details on plan to help Ontario families make ends meet
Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford visited with local families to discuss how an Ontario PC Government will reduce gas and hydro bills and help families make ends meet.
“Unlike the NDP who, quite literally, refuse to tell you how they will pay for their hydro promises, we’ve been up front,” Ford said. “We’re going to return the Hydro One dividend to Ontario families, take the cost of buried conservation programs off of your bill and cancel those outrageous green energy contracts that have stuck thousands of windmills in people’s backyards.”
Ford shared details about how, under the Ontario PC plan, an average family will save $173 on their annual hydro bill and $222 on the price of gas. 
“Andrea Horwath has a star candidate who is working on a plan to drive up the price of gas by 35 cents per litre,” explained Ford. “We’re going to get rid of the cap-and-trade slush fund and cut the provincial excise tax on gas so that every driver in Ontario saves ten cents per litre on gas.”
“While the NDP plan is filled with mistakes and sloppy cover-ups, our plan is responsible, modest and practical,” said Ford. “I invite all Ontarians to see our plan for themselves at our website ontariopc.ca. Help is on the way.”