Today yet another third-party independent group provided a concerning analysis about the Wynne Liberals’ reckless minimum wage plan.
A new report from the Fraser Institute is warning that “young people and low-skilled workers will suffer job losses across Ontario” as a result of the Wynne Liberals’ rapid hike to the minimum wage. The impacts of the wage hike will be most pre-dominant in regions where the average wages are lower than Toronto’s, including southwestern and northern Ontario.
“The Ontario PCs support the need for a $15 minimum wage, but the way the Wynne Liberals are going about this is completely reckless. They refuse to listen to independent experts and are pushing ahead to suit their own political timelines,” said Ontario PC Labour Critic John Yakabuski.
Earlier this month the Financial Accountability Officer released a report concluding the Wynne Liberals’ reckless hike to a $15 minimum wage will result in the loss of at least 50,000 jobs – most of which will be youth, and new Canadians. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s own analysis found that 185,000 Ontario jobs will be put at risk as a result of the changes to the minimum wage.
“When it comes to increasing the minimum wage, the Wynne Liberals are giving Ontario businesses two options: lay off staff or raise prices. Some businesses will have no choice but to do both.”
“Life is already harder under the Wynne Liberals. Ontario families are working harder, paying more, and getting less. The Wynne Liberals’ reckless hike to the minimum wage will leave hardworking Ontarians looking for work and paying more for everyday items like groceries and gas,” concluded Yakabuski.