This afternoon, Economic Development, Employment and Growth Critic Monte McNaughton responded to Ontario’s poor ranking in the recently released Fraser Institute report on labour markets in Canada and the United States. The report placed Ontario 44th out of 60 jurisdictions in an evaluation which considered unemployment, productivity, and job creation.
“Poor public policy is hurting the families and businesses of this province,” said McNaughton. “While the labour market stagnates, costs are rising and the average person is losing 42% of their income to taxes. This report confirms that neighbouring and competing jurisdictions have found a better way and are moving forward, while Ontario is being left behind.”
McNaughton pointed to higher taxes and hidden fees like soaring energy costs, high provincial debt, and red tape as impeding the province’s economic growth. The report showed Ontario’s labour market was the worst in Canada for long-term unemployment and lagged behind competing jurisdictions like Michigan in key areas such as job growth.
“This is the reality that has been felt by Ontario’s workers but which the Liberal government has long denied,” noted McNaughton. “The people of this province are hardworking and innovative, but poor government policy has been robbing them of opportunity. Life is indeed harder under the Liberals.”