QUEEN’S PARK – November 1st represents another unaffordable hydro increase for Ontarians as a result of the Liberal Government’s failed electricity policies.
Beginning today, on-peak hydro rates have increased 8.7 per cent, meaning that the average customer will pay approximately 53 dollars more each year. This is on top of the 68 dollar increase ratepayers already endured on May 1, 2015.
“The Liberals can’t get anything right when it comes to energy policy,” said Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown. “This increase is on top of Ontarians being faced with among the highest electricity rates in North America. Meanwhile, the government continues to offer no assurance that the fire sale of Hydro One will not result in even more increases for ratepayers, despite Ontario’s financial watchdog confirming the fire sale is a bad deal for Ontarians.”
“On-peak rates are now at 17.5 cents a kWh, which is four times the rate when the Liberals came to office” Ontario PC Energy Critic John Yakabuski stated. “This further ingrains Ontario as one of the most expensive and uncompetitive energy jurisdictions in North America.”
By the government’s own estimates, hydro rates will continue these skyrocketing increases for at least the next decade. In addition, hydro customers will be hit again on January 1, 2016, when the 10 per cent reduction is removed from residential electricity bills.
Yakabuski added, “These bad news announcements put more Ontarians into energy poverty—something the Liberals seem indifferent to, as they refuse to change direction on their reckless hydro policies.”
Leader Patrick Brown concluded, “Ontarians are struggling, and the Wynne government’s poor decisions are making some people choose between turning on the heat and buying food. We should be focused on making it easier for families and business to thrive in Ontario, not harder.”