Ontario Chamber reports businesses are fed up with Wynne Liberal policies

OCC reveals only 23 per cent of businesses are confident in Ontario’s economy

The confidence of Ontario’s job creators is sinking to new lows under the Wynne Liberals, according to a new report from the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC).  
“This is yet another example of Liberal mismanagement. Under their watch, businesses are losing confidence in Ontario’s economy,” said Ontario PC Economic Development critic Monte McNaughton. 

“Between skyrocketing hydro rates, exorbitant taxes and fees, strangling red tape, and a growing skills gap, Ontario is no longer the economic and job-creating engine it once was.”
The OCC reported that the number one reason why the business community lacks confidence in Ontario’s economy is Kathleen Wynne’s economic policies.
“It is time for change that works with and alongside job creators and workers to harness our province’s potential. The Ontario PCs are committed to making life more affordable for businesses and hardworking Ontarians. It is time for change that works for this province and our economy,” concluded McNaughton.