Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown calls for maximum school temperatures amid heat wave

Only 125 of 584 TDSB schools have air conditioning

With a brutal heat wave sweeping Ontario, PC Leader Patrick Brown called for a maximum temperature policy in schools to be implemented.

“Humidex levels have been approaching the 40s this week. Our schools don’t have the proper infrastructure or air conditioning. Students are saying it is so hot in classrooms, they are having trouble breathing,” charged Brown in Question Period. “This is unacceptable. That’s why we are calling for the premier to mandate a maximum temperature for Ontario schools in the event of extreme heat.”

Since being elected Leader, Brown has consistently raised the issue of dilapidated infrastructure in Ontario schools. Within the Toronto District School Board there are 584 schools, yet only 125 have air conditioning.

“Heat warnings have swept the region. Yet classrooms don’t have air conditioning, and windows don’t open. How has Kathleen Wynne allowed for this crumbling infrastructure in Ontario schools? How does she expect students to learn in sweltering classrooms?”