Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown Shares the People’s Guarantee with members of the Vietnamese Community

Ontario PC Party introduces motion to fly Vietnamese Heritage and Freedom Flag

Tonight Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown hosted a town hall with members of Toronto’s Vietnamese community during which he shared details from the Ontario PC Platform, the People’s Guarantee. “The People’s Guarantee is a platform is for people like you,” said Brown.  “It is a plan for entrepreneurs, strivers and battlers who believe in values like freedom and hard work. These are values our Vietnamese Community know well.”

The People’s Guarantee is fully costed and affordable, and contains specific plans to rebuild the economy, create jobs, respect tax dollars and close the door on political corruption.
“We released the People’s Guarantee because you deserve to see the full story,” said Brown.  “It contains all of the commitments we intend to run on, and all of the commitments we intend to govern on. It recognizes that there’s nothing wrong with Ontario that can’t be fixed by a change in government.”
The Ontario PC Party today introduced a motion at Queen’s Park to raise the Vietnamese Heritage and Freedom Flag.
“Our Ontario PC Party was proud to work with the Toronto Vietnamese community in recognizing Journey to Freedom Day and so proud to wear our Freedom scarves in the legislature,” said Brown.
During the conversation, Brown touched five achievable measures an Ontario PC government would take as part of the People’s Guarantee.
  • 22.5% lower income taxes for the middle class.
  • A 75% refund of child care expenses.
  • 12% more off your hydro bill.
  • The largest mental health commitment in Canadian provincial history.
  • The first-ever Trust, Integrity and Accountability Act.
“In the end, platforms are just politicians’ words. The People’s Guarantee is different,” said Brown. “My promise to you is that if these measures are not enacted in the first mandate of an Ontario PC government, I will not seek a second.”