Ontario PC Party Identifies and Fixes Direct Mail Correspondence Error

Today the Ontario PC Party immediately took action to fix an administrative error in a March direct mail correspondence to supporters. The correspondence mistakenly included information about a “Victory Club”, which is a program that no longer exists as it no longer aligns with current contribution regulations. The mailing was sent by a third-party vendor.

A correction was issued within 24 hours of the direct mail package being received. It asks recipients to immediately discard and disregard the original mail package. Elections Ontario officials were also immediately called and were apprised of the administrative oversight.

“As leader, I apologize for this miscommunication with our supporters and I will ensure this does not happen again,” said Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown.

The Ontario PC Party is, as always, committed to following and upholding the governing rules related to contributions from our supporters and is committed to meeting the highest standard of quality and the latest fundraising rules and limits set by the Province.